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Anilag Festival: Showcasing the Harvests of Laguna

aguna is known for its fine cuisines, products, and delicacies like espasol, buko pie, and cassava cake. Anilag Festival is the major and most colorful festival in Laguna. Through the festival, Laguna citizens celebrate the fruitful success of their land and give thanks to the mighty Provider for their bounty.

by Rosevie Decio on May 29, 2012

Laguna is known for its fine cuisines, products, and delicacies like espasol, buko pie, and cassava cake. Anilag Festival is the major and most colorful festival in Laguna. Through the festival, Laguna citizens celebrate the fruitful success of their land and give thanks to the mighty Provider for their bounty. Every year during the festival, they always attempt to place an accomplishment in the Guinness Book of World Records by producing and making the largest buko pie, longest Espasol, and biggest halayang ube. This year, the locals made the biggest cassava cake which is made up of 1,140 fresh cassava, 1,140 pcs of fresh eggs, 285 kgs of sugar, 86 liters of coco milk, 57 kgs of margarine, and 57 kgs of powdered milk. With the hardwork, cooperation, and perseverance of the people of Laguna, they have made a successful record.

Date of the Festival

The Anilag Festival is celebrated yearly during the second week of March; the festival is a week-long celebration which centers on thanksgiving for the prosperity their thriving agriculture has provided them. The venue is the capital town of Laguna, which is Santa Cruz. The wide celebration of Santa Cruz, Laguna is held to coincide with the foundation day of the whole province.


In 2004, Santa Cruz City began its Anilag Festival in celebration and promotion of products and delicacies like crop production, livestock, poultry production, and bamboo, rattan, and soft hardwood.

Anilag festival is formerly called as “La Laguna Festival”. This festival started as a celebration of the region’s Foundation Day and a unique blend of local, cultural, historical, and religious celebrations all rolled into one. This event aims to promote Laguna’s prime tourist attractions and celebrate the fruits of its land and creativity of its people. The word ANILAG is derived from “Ani ng Laguna” (Harvest of Laguna). Anilag Festival is the Mother of All Festivals in the province of Laguna.

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