Travel and Tourism Articles in the Philippines

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Ten Tips on How to be a Manila Local

If you’re a tourist or a newcomer then you should know what to do upon arriving in the big city. The city can be intimidating especially for newcomers. It should not be. Follow these 10 tips from CNN on how to look like a Manila local:

by Red de Vera on August 08, 2014
Ten Tips on How to be a Manila Local

If you’re a tourist or a newcomer then you should know what to do upon arriving in the big city.  The city can be intimidating especially for newcomers. It should not be. Follow these 10 tips from CNN on how to look like a Manila local:

1. Talking to strangers

In Manila, you can address strangers by calling them “Chip” (chief), “Boss”, “Kuya” (older brother), “Pogi” (Handsome) or “Pare” for men. For ladies, you can call them “Miss” or “Te” (abbreviated word for ate, tagalong for older sister). Doesn’t make sense right? But it’s the way it is.

2. Riding a jeepney

Jeepney is the most popular form of transportation in the city, you can hail from any point of the road but it is more convenient if you hop on at proper jeepney stops where you can have a chance sitting in the best place: the seat farthest from the driver, next to the entry in the back. It is where you can easily get out of the jeep.

To really fit in with the locals, pretend to be asleep holding the handrail from the ceiling and facing down your head. You can also look out at the side window and pretend you’re thinking something. Stare also at people inside the jeep but be sure that you don’t get caught doing it. Upon reaching your destination say “Para” loudly for the jeep to stop.

3. Asking for bills at restaurants

When asking for a bill, you can raise your hand first to get the attention of the server then if he/she made eye contact with you, raise your other hand and draw a rectangle in the air with your hands. After doing, say “chit” loudly for the server to hear you. You should pronounce it correctly so that you would not insult the chef.

4. Finding your seat inside the cinema

It’s easy to find a seat in cinemas, just act like a shark. Put your hands together in front of you, like a fin, and move it like you’re a shark in the sea. This action will be easily understood and it will inform people that you’re coming through. Make sure to crunch your shoulder a bit and bow your head a little to cause less disturbance. Don’t forget to say “Excuse” and “Sorry” alternately.

5. Speaking

You can ask for thing by saying their brand names like Xerox for photocopy and coke for soda. If you forget a word when speaking, replace it with “ano” or “kuwan” in its place. To get someone’s attention, just shout “Psst!”, if unsuccessful just add “Hoy” (Pssst-huy!). You can also learn bekinese (the language used by homosexuals in the Philippines), it incorporates global pop culture into Tagalog. Example is Pawis Hilton which means you’re sweaty. “Pawis” is a tagalog term for sweat which sounds Paris.

6. Pointing things

When pointing at things, just use your lips by creasing it toward the direction of your referred item.

7. Eating

Eating meals are a celebration in the Philippines, everyone prefer to eat with others. If your meal arrives first, offer some to your companions (don’t worry, they will just say NO to it) and go ahead and start. Utensil used when dining are spoon and fork (not knife and fork), so when cutting meat you need to use your spoon assisted by the fork.

8. Taking Selfies (Self Portraits)

As the “Selfie Capital of the World”, you should also know how to take self-portraits though it would be far nicer if someone else will capture a picture of you but things here are different.  Blurry shots are even preferred (to hide the imperfections).

To achieve the perfect Pinoy selfie, just extend your camera arm in front of you then raise it to a 45-degree angle and now you have a perfect self portrait of you. (Take note: Monopods are now common here to take self portraits.)

9. Posing for photos

If you are letting someone take your photo, a simple smile won’t do. Instead, make a peace sign or an “L’ sign using your hand then look towards the camera. Wacky poses are very common here, so don’t worry if you have a bad pose.

10. Texting

The Philippines was once called as the “Text Capital of the World”, so texting here are very common: when waiting in line or walking. Always remember to text, never call. Make sure to know basic Jejenese (the prevailing SMS language). Jejenese texters are called Jejemon, they also have their own fashion statement. Example of jejenese is “mzta na”, short for “kamusta na” which is “how are you?” in Tagalog.

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