Several islands make up Calaguas within the municipality of Vinzons in the province of Camarines Norte. The islands of Calaguas are surrounded by white sand beaches, clear blue seas and abundant marine life. It has some of the best islands in the province when it comes to scenery. Additionally, a lot of rare and fascinating species of creatures can be found on these islands and exploring the land and seascape can be well worth the effort. Swimming , scuba diving, island hopping, surfing, camping, and exploring the many exotic islands are just some of the many ways one can enjoy their stay.
Apuao Grande Island

The pristine waters around Apuao Grande Island are very serene as if enchanted. It is within the town of Mercedes, Camarines Norte. This island is ideal for picnics and waters activities/sports. All the visitors who visit the island have made sure to get plenty of pictures of their relaxing and exciting adventures here.

Mercedes Group of Islands
The extraordinary Mercedes Group of Island is part of the town that bears the same name: Mercedes, Camarines Norte. This island is very popular to tourists because of its scenic view, serene water and picturesque coasts. Many choose to enjoy their stay on the island through the interesting activities it has to offer like hiking along fantastic rock formations, swimming in its azure waters, diving amongst the many colorful species and corals, sunbathing in its beaches, and sightseeing around the islands.
Quinamanukan Island
Located in the town of Vinzons, the island of Quinamanukan has been blessed with clear blue water, interesting rock formations and a densely wooded area. It has a marine sanctuary where some diving will allow you to see the vibrant, colorful wildlife under the ocean’s surface, a world of magnificent coral and brightly hued tropical fish.