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by Jhaypee Guia on May 25, 2012 Sibug-Sibug Festival is an annual event held during the 26th day of February in the province of Zamboanga Sibugay. This celebration is also the anniversary of the foundation of the province. » Read More
by Jane Dacumos on May 25, 2012 Let’s play a riddle game! “Sky above, sky below! Ocean in the midst of it all!” Yes, the answer is Coconut! It is because the sky represents the thick white meat of the large hard-shelled oval nut which is filled (when fresh) with fluid or milk (ocean). » Read More
by Jhaypee Guia on May 24, 2012 During the festival, the largest and longest bread with different figures and shapes is presented in the procession along the main road of their town. The parade showcases the creativity and talent of Cuencano bakers. After the parade, all the locals and guests are invited to eat different types of bread for free. » Read More
by Kheem Caparas on May 24, 2012 Kinulob Festival is celebrated yearly every month of April with no definite date. Kinulob is one way of cooking a chicken. It is not as popular compared to other Filipino chicken recipe, though it is not about the popularity but the flavor and the taste that it offers. » Read More
by Kheem Caparas on May 23, 2012 Kesong Puti Festival is held in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, in celebration of the town's main delicacy, the Kesong Puti. It had been celebrated on different dates since it was first held ten years ago, but this year, it was celebrated on May 7-12. » Read More
by Kheem Caparas on May 23, 2012 Manggahan sa Guimaras is the identity festival of Guimaras Province. It is a week-long celebration of the mango harvesting season every April 16-20. This is made to showcase their cultural and historical heritage, livelihood, myths and legendary stories. It also spreads and promotes the locals' products, cuisines, services and milestones. It is the people's way to show the world that there is more to Guimaras than its sweet, fibrous, and pest-free mangoes. » Read More
by Rosevie Decio on May 23, 2012 Many parts in the province of Benguet contribute to the strawberry production, places such as Tuba, Tublay and Atok. But the best known and widest producer is the city of La Trinidad where the strawberry fields can be located. Three kilometers from Baguio lay the strawberry fields in Betag, La Trinidad. » Read More
by Rosevie Decio on May 7, 2012 Probably because of the abundance of available ingredients as a tropical country or because of the limitless imagination and creativity with almost anything edible, Filipinos have always enjoyed creating, and eating, truly unique and delicious desserts that can definitely satisfy ones cravings for sweets. But then again, these desserts may make you crave for more. » Read More